As an active medical facility, COVID-19 has been a primary concern over the last two years. When we learned that Serenio neutralizes airborne COVID-19, we had to have it. We have peace of mind in knowing that we have done all that we can as business owners to stop the transmission to those around us. As compassionate providers of dental care, we want to do everything that we can to protect our family of patients and team from the spread of COVID-19.
Dr. Vogley and Dr. McClintock, Dentistry at Winbury
We purchased 20 Serenio units to support and protect individuals with developmental disabilities. The units were extremely easy to install, are very quiet, and most importantly, make our staff feel safe. We loved them so much that we just ordered 27 more units for our day program and four other homes.
Dave Rastoka, Owner, Advancing Abilities
If you look at the numbers in other schools in Cleveland, their COVID numbers are quite a bit higher. This is really just giving us that extra layer of protection and making us feel very comfortable.
Carrie Grace, Principal, St. Francis School
We live in a family environment. We live together, eat together, and work in close proximity to each other. The mental and emotional stress of being isolated within our work environment can take a real toll. I feel your product gave us a safer way to live within our station.
Lou Ann Metz, EFO, Fire Chief, Bainbridge Township Fire Department
Serenio has enabled us to open the surgery center’s waiting areas to all patients and their families. It has given us the peace of mind knowing that Serenio neutralizes the viruses. We have had zero cases of Covid from our Center since we installed Serenio. The Surgeons, Nurses and the Staff are all happy to see a device that can combat the virus effectively!
Barb Paris, The Surgery Center of Southwest General Health Center