How Effective is Serenio?
reduction of MS2 bacteriophage activity at 12 ft for 1 hour (exceeds FDA standards)
reduction of an
EPA-standard SARS-CoV-2 surrogate in BSL-2 facilities
reduction of SARS-CoV-2 (“COVID-19”) particles after 15 minutes of use
Effective neutralization
of Influenza B virus
Effective neutralization
of avian SARS-CoV virus (“bird flu”)
FAQ: Is Serenio Safe?
Serenio is safe for humans and pets when used in a closed environment. No chemicals are used in, or created by, the device. It does not ionize the air, nor does it produce any ozone—it only emits electrons, which we are constantly surrounded by and cause us no harm!
Additionally, testing has shown that Serenio has no effect on human lung tissue, animal tissue, plant tissue, bacteria, fungi, and eco-friendly microorganisms in the environment. Further, the device does not create any interference with electronics, including pacemakers and other electronic medical devices.
The technology powering Serenio has been certified for safety and efficacy in Australia, Mexico, and India. Serenio is market-enabled in the US under the FDA’s Enforcement Policy for Sterilizers, Disinfectant Devices, and Air Purifiers During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Public Health Emergency.
Frequently asked questionsThe Latest News About Serenio
Purchase Serenio
Serenio works alongside other virus mitigation measures, like hand-washing, to provide peace of mind to students, patients, business patrons, employees and more.
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